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Natural cleaning agents and their usage as a substitute

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Natural cleaning agents and their usage as a substitute

Cleaning is such an essential part of everyone’s life but cleaning would mean taking the support of cleaning agents which are mostly very chemical oriented which leave harmful effects on the health of the inmates. They are also not a very environment friendly option and this is why people are more inclined towards using natural products as there are no side effects of them and are also cheaper than the usual cleaning agents.

Here we have a list of all those natural homemade cleaning products which you can benefit from:

  • You must have heard a lot about baking soda. The main reason of it being used is that when baking soda reacts with vinegar, it creates a froth concoction which cuts up all the dirt and grease. It is best when used on hard surfaces to get rid of stubborn stains.
  • Soaps are a great option. For starters it is found in several different forms ranging from liquid to bars and etc. Soaps are easily available everywhere and they would get rid of almost everything. One thing which you should consider is that use such soaps which is free from petroleum distillates.
  • Lemon juice is another thing acidic natured ingredient. It is also very effective in fighting against the germs and household bacteria. Just like vinegar, you can add lemon juice to the baking soda and it would work just fine.
  • Lemon juice and vinegar always go hand in hand but vinegar is more effective in removing mildew, cutting off grease, and very helpful in getting rid of odours and this is the reason that most people like washing off fish with vinegar to get rid of smell.
  • A very smart hack to polish wood furniture and make sure that it is in good shining condition is to use vegetable and olive oil. All you have to do is rub it just like you would any normal polish and see the results yourself.
  • Oxygen bleach is also a good healthy alternative which lightens up the fabric and also have a tendency to remove several household stains. The best part about this bleach is that there are not many chemicals involved in its making so we can be carefree about its side effects.

Now that you have acquired detailed information about all of these natural cleaning agents, it is now time for you to start applying them in your daily life too!
